AtariTools-800 Bug report :
ERROR 5 solution (ATARITOOLS-800 & DEXL):
(Beyond WinXP, on several machines, screensavers causes ERROR 5 with DEXL & AtariTools-800)
If you have ERROR 5, it's a permission setting problem :
1) Click on START/EXECUTE and enter REGEDIT
2) Open HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Lsa.
3) Edit a new value DWORD named RestrictAnonymous.
4) Set this key with 0 (ZERO) value.
5) Reboot system.
ERREUR 5 solution (AtariTools-800 & DEXL) :
(Au dela de Windows XP, un retour d'écran de veille, provoque une erreur 5 avec DEXL & AtariTools-800)
Si vous obtenez une erreur 5 c'est un problème de permissions :
1) Cliquez sur Démarrer/Exécuter puis executez REGEDIT
2) Ouvrez HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Lsa.
3) Éditez une valeur DWORD nommée RestrictAnonymous.
4) Saisissez comme données de la valeur le chiffre 0 (ZERO).
5) Redémarrez votre ordinateur.
(2014-11-12): 1/ -In char-editor, when transfer a charset from bank (1..32) to free-modify charset, the edit grid stays with the (4) previous colors. FIXED.
(2014-11-12): 2/ -In Screen-editor, when load/save -> the multi-choice window (SCR-SCC-SCA selector) stay on screen after selection. FIXED.
(2015-01-19): 3/ -In Code generator, save function (txt atascii target) just works with basic source, fixed for all targets. FIXED.
>>> Bugs solved and will be effective in AT800 0.6.0 version.
(2015-02-26): 4/ -In Gr-Editor, when copying a bloc from a picture to another, it keep his properties (colors), so unexpected results if gr-mode is not the same, including colors. Actually looking to fix it (mainly asking if keeping target-picture-colors or not and re-process the bloc to match).
(2015-02-28): 5/ Dmitry tell me that there is a trouble when save a charset. If you don't set the full filename with extension things goes wrong.
I will fix it to save with file-filter by default when no extention selected. FIXED.
(2015-03.02): 6/ In char-editor when clipboard import to charset with monochrome bitmap, a bug occurs. it does as it was 4 color mode, avoid the monochrome. fixed today, 2C & 4C tested. FIXED.
>>> Bugs solved and will be effective in AT800 0.6.1 version.
Thanks to Jennifer (Artemis), John (6502man), Oliver, Sam, Geoffrey, Dmitry
( for telling me at so I can fix it for next release.